Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hypocrisy, don't you think?

A powerful country, protecting and achieving. The United States. Eisenhower helped America stand back up on it's two legs after the Great Depression. He created NASA, the military-industrial complex, and stood strong against enemies. He promoted peace with his Atoms for Peace (1953) program. The government and people supported it very much.
The President was man loved by all, with many friends and enemies. The government were always at the service of the President. Their leader was one of the most valuable things to America. They guarded the man with their life. Very few presidents have lost their lives during duty. When such a catastrophe hit the country, they would be drowned in grief and lifeless but very much furious. Take Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. These presidents and many more revolutionized United States. These four men were different and extraordinary, they went above and beyond. You know us people, afraid of change and modifications to daily life. There were some people who couldn't stand this, and there being no other way to solve their problem, the simple, bloody solution: assassination. To rip the problem right from the root. 3 of these four men were killed because of one source of hatred but the last JFK was killed for reasons otherwise (as some say). Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a spy from the Confederacy. Garfield assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau, an American lawyer who did this crime because apparently God told him to kill Garfield. Mckinley assassinated by Leon Czolgosz, an American with Polish origins who was an anarchist. Kennedy assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald the assassin who was American but had origins from Russia. The assassins all were killed soon after committing their crime and even knew they were guilty. But Oswald, this man didn't even know why he was arrested. Their have been many photos of him holding a gun, near the site of where JFK was killed but research was done and some photos were fake. Oswald was accused of doing something that not only is incredible but impossible. According to the government and Warren Commissions Oswald shot the President three times while the target (JFK) was moving. The 1st shot missed Kennedy, 2nd was the 'magic bullet' which in one shot created multiple wounds, moving through the air. The 3rd bullet was the fatal head shot Kennedy's head. Witnesses had said they heard more than three shots and not all of them were coming from the Book Depository. Some behind a grassy knoll and others behind a fence. There has been information that witnesses were forced to say they heard only three shots coming from the depository, keep quiet, and there were changes in testimonies and proof. The government was doing all this. Why? The only answer: conspiracy. The assassination of JFK was the most shocking because it was a public execution. Yet it was unknown. The conspiracy theory tells us that the government had conspired to kill John F. Kennedy. It also says that Oswald was a patsy, the one who was going to take the blame and pay for the crime that the government did. The United States government was and is promoting peace. They jail someone if they have committed a crime, no one is an exception. Then what has happened here? The car that Kennedy was seated in suddenly slowed down on the corner turn where he was soon to die. Why? The assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley were mistakes regretted deeply by the government but JFK assassination was a just a security mistake. Not to be considered much but just put aside and quickly dealt with. You have to walk the walk not just talk. I am not saying that the American government is hypocritical now but then they had a hint of it visible. Ever since Kennedy entered office on January 20th, 1961. JFK was Roman Catholic, the first president to be one. He had wild ideas but most of the time they worked. He had made mistakes but hey, which president or any human being on earth hasn't? The government and many Americans was being very conservative. They were all used to the traditional president:  Christian, conservative, and a slave to powerful persons, within and outside the government. Recently views have changed. We have the first African-American president, Barack Obama. A good man indeed. Before he won, not one person would have dreamed for a black president forget about Roman Catholic. It is truly a miracle and a good one too.
What I am saying is that the American government back in JFK's time was hypocritical. The conspiracy theory and magic bullet theory truly exonerates Lee Harvey Oswald.

What do you think?

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